General (Public) Thu, 16 May 24 23:38:51 -0300 General (Public) en-CA Ulduar Achievement Run Thu, 21 Apr 2011 12:55:53 -0300 Syl 28@/discussions
Would prefer to have players who know the fights in order to move through it as quickly as possible, but will take experienced raiders. Will need one tank and one heals and two people who have tank/heal offsets.

If we get at least 6 people who know the Ulduar fights well, then I will open up the raid to people who are not raid experienced.

Would like to set up at least 1 night a week to work on this achievement and lock out the raid until it is completed.

Let me know in game or on this forum if you or any of your friends (they don't have to be in guild) are interested.
Guild Blacksmith Wed, 06 Apr 2011 23:51:46 -0300 hettx 13@/discussions